SF9 Bring the ‘Fanfare’ with New US Tour Dates

By Emlyn Travis

Can you feel the sensation? SF9 will be coming to the US for three nights this fall as part of their ‘BE MY FANTASY’ tour! 

SubKulture Entertainment teamed up with FNC Entertainment to bring the company’s first ever dance boy group to Dallas, Seattle, and Boston as part of their ‘BE MY FANTASY USA’ fanmeeting tour this November.

The ‘intimate’ fanmeeting is set to include the group performances of their most popular tracks like “Fanfare”, “Easy Love” and “Jungle Game”, as well as the nine-member group playing games and holding Q&A sessions to connect with their fans that are stateside.

The three date tour will take place throughout the US in:

  • Dallas, TX: Wednesday,​ ​November​ ​15,​ ​2017 Bomb​ ​Factory,​ ​7:30PM
  • Seattle, WA: Friday,​ ​November​ ​17,​ ​2017 Showbox​ ​Sodo,​ ​7:30PM
  • Boston, MA: Sunday,​ ​November​ ​19,​ ​2017 The​ ​Wilbur​ ​Theatre,​ ​7:30PM

Excited? 24 Hour K-Pop will keep you updated with all information about ticket pricing, merchandise and more as more information becomes available!