2013 K-POP World Festival in Changwon October 20, 2013 Changwon-si, Gyengsangnam-do Related Articles Cheong Wa Dae K-Pop World Festival unites global fans http://english.president.go.kr/tours/visitor/visitor_view.php?uno=8541&board_no=E10&search_key=&search_value=&search_cate_code=&cur_page_no=3 Korea.net -English K-Pop World Festival unites global fans http://www.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=114061 -中文 “2013 K-POP世界庆典” 用K-POP连结全世界 http://chinese.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=113986 -Vietnamese Cả thế giới hội tụ tại “K-pop World Festival 2013” http://vietnamese.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=113987 -日本語 「Kポップワールド・フェスティバル2013」、Kポップで世界が一つに http://japanese.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=113985 -Deutsch „K-Pop World Festival” bringt internationale Fans zusammen http://german.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=114065 -Francais Un festival mondial de la K-Pop 2013 de haute volée http://french.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=114064 -Russian K-Pop World Festival объединяет фанатов со всего мира http://russian.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=114066 -Arabic المهرجان العالمي للبوب الكوري يوحد الجماهي http://arabic.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=114062 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korean Culture and Information Service Korea.net(www.korea.net) Jeon Han -------------- 2013 제3회 K-POP 월드페스티벌 2013-10-20 경상남도, 창원시 문화체육관광부 해외문화홍보원 코리아넷 전한

The KPOP World Festival Preliminaries are Coming to the Bay Area

If you love to dance and sing to KPOP songs, the KPOP World Festival Bay Area Preliminaries are the perfect chance for you to show off your skills and enjoy some fun performances by fellow fans.  The KPOP World Festival is an annual event that unites talented fans from all around the world in Changwon, South Korea, where the finalists will get to compete in the last round of the competition and even perform with some of their favorite KPOP idols.  The qualifying preliminary rounds for the Bay Area will be held at the Samsung Auditorium (3655 N First Street) in San Jose on July 13th, 2019 at 1:30pm. The winner of this round will also have the chance to travel to Changwon to compete in the finals.  Come see the show! Tickets at the door will be available starting at 12:00pm. Doors open at 1:00pm. Check out our video below to find out more about the event.

And for more details on how to sign up and how to qualify for this event, go to our page here.