2016 Cherry Blossom Queen Program Gemma·October 19, 2015For all interested applicants, the application can be found here For additional information and questions, please head over to www.nccbfqueenprogram.org...News·0 Comments·
2PM Album Giveaway Winner Gemma·June 17, 2015Congratulations to Connie T.! Thank you to YesAsia.com for providing us with the album for this giveaway....GiveawayNews·0 Comments·
Interview with Benson Lee, Director of Seoul Searching Gemma·March 22, 2015Get to know Benson Lee who directed “Seoul Searching!...InterviewsNews·0 Comments·
Sheldon HS KPOP Cover Contest Gemma·December 16, 2014Sheldon High School in Sacramento, CA hosted it’s first KPOP dance cover contest on December 12, 2014. Sheldon...News·0 Comments·
2014 Video Contest Winners Gemma·December 16, 2014Here are the winners of the 2014 video contest hosted by the Korean Education Center in San Francisco. Take...News·2 Comments·
2014 Video Contest Gemma·November 16, 2014The Korean Education Center in San Francisco is hosting a video contest for students in elementary through high school....News·3 Comments·